We will continue with Ch 12 today. The new concept for this lesson is “random variables.” We will focus on discrete random variables first, then continuous random variables.  Continuous random variables are the bread-and-butter of probability and statistics, an essential tool for the rest of this course!

You will notice that the math is not difficult in this chapter (addition and subtraction). As a matter of fact, the math is not difficult in this course —it’s the concepts and how you apply the concepts that can be challenging.



  • There is 2 problems in this lab work:
    • #12.45
      • Note: For #12.45c), in describing the event \( X \leq 2 \) in words, you need to say what X is in plain English (no math notation or symbol). So your answer should be:

The event “\( X \leq 2 \) ” means that “the number of …………. is ……”.


You will NOT get full credits if your answer is missing the words the number of ……. because those words represent the meaning of X.


    • problem not in book (uniform probability distribution)


  • The videos explain the concepts and show you how to do the lab work:

Ch 12 cont’d — discrete random variables

Ch 12 cont’d — continuous random variables


  • Submit your lab work as one single PDF file to Canvas before the due date.


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